Strawberry Japanese Roll Cake. Fresh Strawberry and Cream Japanese Cake Roll A fluffy and moist Japanese cake roll filled with fresh strawberries and a not-too-sweet whipped cream that is stabilized with gelatin. Fold the edge of the cake, pushing the paper forward, rolling the cake. Once rolled, wrap the cake with the clean sheet of baking paper, making sure it's tightly wrapped. Cover with a plastic wrap and allow it to cool in the fridge. The Japanese version of strawberry shortcake is a hybrid of the American version and the French version. The cake is a sponge cake with natural colour but the decorations are similar to that of the American version. Instead of strawberries, you can use other fruits to decorate the cake and it is still called a shortcake in Japan. The Japanese are really on to something with these patterned cake rolls. This cake might seem rather simple, yet when all the components are prepared perfectly, it comes together as an amazing dessert. Spread the cream cheese mixture in an even layer over the cake and top with sliced strawberries. Tightly roll the cake bake up, this time just using the towel as a guide. Pour and evenly spread into the lined baking pan, tap the pan to remove the air bubbles. Remove the old paper on top.
The cake is a sponge cake with natural colour but the decorations are similar to that of the American version. Instead of strawberries, you can use other fruits to decorate the cake and it is still called a shortcake in Japan. The Japanese are really on to something with these patterned cake rolls. Pada artikel kali ini kami bakalan {menulis|berbagi| tentang Strawberry Japanese Roll Cake , cara bikinnya gampang banget karena cuma butuh 10 bahan dan 10 langkah saja.
Bahan untuk Strawberry Japanese Roll Cake
- 4 butir - telur pisahkan kuning & putihnya.
- 60 gr - tepung protein rendah.
- 20 gr - maizena.
- 4 sdm - susu cair plain.
- 1 sdt - pasta strawberry.
- 1/2 sdt - l'arome vanilla susu.
- 60 gr - gula pasir.
- - Olesan :.
- 50 gr - whipped cream bubuk.
- 100 ml - air es.
This cake might seem rather simple, yet when all the components are prepared perfectly, it comes together as an amazing dessert. Spread the cream cheese mixture in an even layer over the cake and top with sliced strawberries. Tightly roll the cake bake up, this time just using the towel as a guide. Pour and evenly spread into the lined baking pan, tap the pan to remove the air bubbles.
Strawberry Japanese Roll Cake step by step
- Campur susu cair, pasta strawberry & vanila susu. Aduk rata. Sisihkan.
- Kocok kuning telur dgn kecepatan tinggi sampai pucat & mengembang..
- Masukkan larutan susu, pasta strawberry & vanila susu. Aduk rata dgn spatula saja.
- Masukkan tepung terigu & maizena. Aduk lipat dgn spatula sampai rata. Sisihkan.
- Kocok putih telur, masukkan gula pasir 3tahap.kocok dgn kecepatan tinggi sampai adonan soft peak. Matikan mixer.
- Masukan sepertiga adonan putih telur ke adonan strawberry aduk lipat. Lakukan bertahap 3x.aduk balik dgn spatula..
- Tuang dalam loyang 22x22cm yg telah dialasi baking paper. Hentakkan utk membuang udara dalam adonan. Oven 180°C selama 20menit.
- Kocok whippedcream & air sampai mengembang & kaku..
- Balik cake di cooling rack, lepas baking paper, balikan lagi & dinginkan.Oleskan pada permukaan cake yg sudah hangat/dingin, jangan panas yaaa (bisa ditambahkan strawberry ditengah) -- kali ini yg dioles permukaan, bukan bagian bawah seperti rollcake biasanya. Lalu gulung. Masukkan dalam kulkas bawah sekitar 30menit agar lebih set whippedcreamnya.
- Setelah set, keluarkan. Potong sesuai selera. Sajikan.
Remove the old paper on top. In a small bowl, stir together milk and vinegar and set aside for a few minutes to sour milk. In a small bowl, whisk together flour, baking powder and salt and set aside. In a larger bowl, whip four room temperature eggs** until light and fluffy. This strawberry matcha roll cake is an ultimate summer treat! Nah itulah cara bikin Strawberry Japanese Roll Cake dan juga bahan dan cara membuatnya. Semoga bermanfaat. Fresh Strawberry and Cream Japanese Cake Roll A fluffy and moist Japanese cake roll filled with fresh strawberries and a not-too-sweet whipped cream that is stabilized with gelatin. Fold the edge of the cake, pushing the paper forward, rolling the cake. Once rolled, wrap the cake with the clean sheet of baking paper, making sure it's tightly wrapped. Cover with a plastic wrap and allow it to cool in the fridge. The Japanese version of strawberry shortcake is a hybrid of the American version and the French version. The cake is a sponge cake with natural colour but the decorations are similar to that of the American version. Instead of strawberries, you can use other fruits to decorate the cake and it is still called a shortcake in Japan. The Japanese are really on to something with these patterned cake rolls. This cake might seem rather simple, yet when all the components are prepared perfectly, it comes together as an amazing dessert. Spread the cream cheese mixture in an even layer over the cake and top with sliced strawberries. Tightly roll the cake bake up, this time just using the towel as a guide. Pour and evenly spread into the lined baking pan, tap the pan to remove the air bubbles. Remove the old paper on top.
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