Fudgy Pizza Brownies. These Fudgy Brownies are easy gooey chocolate brownies with cocoa powder that are extra fudgy and best served with a cold glass of milk and a scoop of vanilla ice cream! Fudgy brownies have a higher fat-to-flour ratio than cakey ones. Combine flour, cocoa and salt; gradually beat into creamed mixture. In a large bowl, stir together the cocoa and baking soda. Mix until well blended and thickened. Grease bottom and sides of foil-lined pan with shortening or cooking spray. Fold in the chocolate chunks, then transfer the batter to the prepared baking dish. Slice, then serve with a nice cold glass of milk! Salt and vanilla help to round out the flavor of the brownies. Salt in baking might seem odd, but just like in savory cooking, it awakens the flavors of the recipe. All-purpose flour is the last ingredient you need, but you don't need much. Remember, we're on the hunt for extra fudgy brownies and keeping the flour to a minimum helps with that. My Perfect Fudgy Brownies recipe is the best brownie recipe you will ever need.
Grease bottom and sides of foil-lined pan with shortening or cooking spray. Fold in the chocolate chunks, then transfer the batter to the prepared baking dish. Slice, then serve with a nice cold glass of milk! Pada artikel kali ini ane mau {menulis|berbagi| tentang Fudgy Pizza Brownies , buatnya simpel karena cuma butuh 8 bahan dan 9 langkah saja.
Bahan untuk Fudgy Pizza Brownies
- 120 gr - gula pasir (resep asli 140 gr).
- 2 butir - telur ukuran sedang.
- 150 gr - Dark Cooking Chocolate (merk Colatta) - resep asli 160 gr.
- 70 gr - butter (saya pakai 40 gr butter corman + 30 gr palmia royal).
- 20 ml - minyak goreng kualitas bagus (saya pakai canola oil).
- 100 gr - terigu protein sedang.
- 20 gr - coklat bubuk (saya pakai merk java dark).
- 1 sdm - kopi bubuk (indocafe).
Salt and vanilla help to round out the flavor of the brownies. Salt in baking might seem odd, but just like in savory cooking, it awakens the flavors of the recipe. All-purpose flour is the last ingredient you need, but you don't need much. Remember, we're on the hunt for extra fudgy brownies and keeping the flour to a minimum helps with that.
Fudgy Pizza Brownies
- Panaskan oven 200 der C, api atas bawah. Olesi loyang dengan minyak, lapisi alasnya dgn kertas baking. Sekat loyang juga harus dioles agar tidak lengket ke brownies. Alas loyang diberi kertas memanjang agar brownies mudah diangkat pas matang..
- Lelehkan dcc, butter, minyak dengan cara ditim. Aduk rata dan biarkan hangat..
- Kocok telur dan gula dalam wadah sampai gula benar2 larut (harus sampai larut agar keluar shiny crust). Gunakan balloon whisk/whisker saja. Sisihkan.
- Masukkan dcc, butter, dan minyak (yg sdh dlm keadaan hangat/JANGAN panas2!) ke dalam kocokan telur dan gula. Aduk dengan whisker sampai rata, terlihat licin dan mengkilap..
- Masukkan terigu, coklat bubuk, kopi (sambil diayak), di tahap ini saya gunakan mixer krn adonan mulai berat, gunakan speed 1 (sebentar aja, asal rata)..
- Tuang ke loyang, ratakan, lalu pasang sekat. Beri topping suka2 (saya pakai oreo, beng2, kacang2an, keju parut, marshmellow). Utk marsmellow baru ditambahkan 1 menit sebelum brownies dikeluarkan dari oven, potong2 marsmellow dan taruh jgn sampai nempel ke sekat. Note: semua topping (kecuali marsmellow) lgs ditaro seblm adonan dipaggang, gak tenggelam koq toppingnya😂.
- Oven 160-170 der C sampai matang sekitar 30-45 menit. Saya pakai oven listrik cosmos, sekitar 40 menit (sesuaikan oven masing).
- Sekat loyang diangkat ketika brownies masih rada hangat biar lbh mudah. Keluarkan brownies dari loyang setelah brownies BENAR2 DINGIN agar tidak rusak! Gunakan sarung tangan plastik. Ingat ini brownies fudgy, bagian dalamnya sangat moist, lengket, jadi mudah hancur saat panas..
- Teman2 yg tidak punya loyang sekat, bisa gunakan loyang brownies biasa. Jgn lupa dialas kertas baking dan kreasikan dgn aneka topping yg ngehits (lotus crumble/keju sprinkle/chocolatos, dll), biar cantik browniesnya.
My Perfect Fudgy Brownies recipe is the best brownie recipe you will ever need. These brownies are made in one bowl, with melted chocolate, giving you thick, chewy homemade brownies that are even better the second day. Brownies are always a favorite so make sure to check out my Cake Mix Brownies and my M&Ms Brownies! It makes them moister, more flavorful, and makes for a more fudgy brownie. Use a good quality unsweetened cocoa powder for your brownies for the ultimate decadent dessert. Begitulah cara membuat Fudgy Pizza Brownies dan juga bahan dan cara bikinnya. Semoga bermanfaat. These Fudgy Brownies are easy gooey chocolate brownies with cocoa powder that are extra fudgy and best served with a cold glass of milk and a scoop of vanilla ice cream! Fudgy brownies have a higher fat-to-flour ratio than cakey ones. Combine flour, cocoa and salt; gradually beat into creamed mixture. In a large bowl, stir together the cocoa and baking soda. Mix until well blended and thickened. Grease bottom and sides of foil-lined pan with shortening or cooking spray. Fold in the chocolate chunks, then transfer the batter to the prepared baking dish. Slice, then serve with a nice cold glass of milk! Salt and vanilla help to round out the flavor of the brownies. Salt in baking might seem odd, but just like in savory cooking, it awakens the flavors of the recipe. All-purpose flour is the last ingredient you need, but you don't need much. Remember, we're on the hunt for extra fudgy brownies and keeping the flour to a minimum helps with that. My Perfect Fudgy Brownies recipe is the best brownie recipe you will ever need.
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