Boterkoek/Dutch butter cake. Boterkoek - Dutch Butter Cake Boterkoek means "butter cake" in Dutch, and all that that implies. You'll love this rich, buttery treat that is not really a cake, but is not quite a cookie either. Dutch Boterkoek is comfort food at it's finest. DIRECTIONS In medium bowl, mix together butter, sugar and almond extract. Sift flour and baking powder, and add to bowl, mixing with wet ingredients. The Netherlands are famous for a rich, buttery cake called Boterkoek. It literally translates to Butter Cake. It's like a super soft and very rich shortbread. I was so excited to recreate this recipe for Dutch Butter Cake that tastes just like what we had in Amsterdam!! Sift flour and sugar in a bowl. Cut the butter into small pieces and knead lightly with a cool hand or utensil until it holds together. Dutch butter cake is a straightforward cake, mainly featuring as the name suggests, butter. It can be left plain, or flavored with vanilla extract, almond extract, lemon or orange zest.
The Netherlands are famous for a rich, buttery cake called Boterkoek. It literally translates to Butter Cake. It's like a super soft and very rich shortbread. Pada artikel kali ini kami akan {menulis|berbagi| tentang Boterkoek/Dutch butter cake , bikinnya gampang banget karena cuma butuh 8 bahan dan 7 langkah saja.
Bahan untuk Boterkoek/Dutch butter cake
- 220 Gram - Terigu (Saya pake segitiga).
- 200 Gram - Palmia Royal (aslinya 100 gr salted butter, 100 gr margarin).
- 1 butir - telur.
- 150 Gram - gula halus (Saya 140 gram).
- 25 Gram - susu bubuk (Saya 1 sachet Dancow 27 gram biar nggak ada sisa 😜).
- 1/2 sdt - vanili.
- - Olesan Kuning telur.
- - Toping almond atau sesuai selera (Saya cuma pake keju parut).
I was so excited to recreate this recipe for Dutch Butter Cake that tastes just like what we had in Amsterdam!! Sift flour and sugar in a bowl. Cut the butter into small pieces and knead lightly with a cool hand or utensil until it holds together. Dutch butter cake is a straightforward cake, mainly featuring as the name suggests, butter.
Boterkoek/Dutch butter cake
- Panaskan oven 170°C.
- Campurkan butter, margarin, gula telur dan vanili. Mixer dengan kecepatan tinggi hingga lembut. Sisihkan..
- Masukkan sedikit demi sedikit campuran terigu dan susu bubuk yang sudah diayak. Aduk rata dengan spatula..
- Tuang dalam loyang yang sudah dioles dan diberi bread paper (Saya pakai loyang 22x22). Ratakan pelan-pelan dengan spatula..
- Oles permukaannya dengan kuning telur. Lalu kerat-kerat memanjang dengan garpu untuk mempercantik. Taburi almond/keju parut,dll sesuai selera..
- Panggang kurang lebih 30 menit. Sesuaikan dengan oven masing-masing ya Bun...
- Setelah didiamkan. Potong-potong. Sajikan. Saya menggunakan pizza cutter biar rapi potongannya. Selamat mencoba..
It can be left plain, or flavored with vanilla extract, almond extract, lemon or orange zest. Boterkoek starts by creaming together the butter and sugar until light and fluffy. This homey one-layer Dutch Butter Cake, otherwise known as boterkoek in Dutch is a dense, rich treat that's a classic of Dutch cuisine. Made of mostly butter and flour, this Dutch Butter Cake a stick-to-your-ribs kind of recipe that's best enjoyed in true Amsterdam style: served alongside a hot cup of coffee or afternoon tea. Dutch Butter Cake (Boterkoek) with Almonds But whether you call it butter cake, coffee cake, or Boterkoek (its Dutch name), this delicious almond-flavored dessert is like nothing you've ever had. Nah itulah cara membuat Boterkoek/Dutch butter cake dan juga bahan dan cara bikinnya. Semoga bermanfaat. Boterkoek - Dutch Butter Cake Boterkoek means "butter cake" in Dutch, and all that that implies. You'll love this rich, buttery treat that is not really a cake, but is not quite a cookie either. Dutch Boterkoek is comfort food at it's finest. DIRECTIONS In medium bowl, mix together butter, sugar and almond extract. Sift flour and baking powder, and add to bowl, mixing with wet ingredients. The Netherlands are famous for a rich, buttery cake called Boterkoek. It literally translates to Butter Cake. It's like a super soft and very rich shortbread. I was so excited to recreate this recipe for Dutch Butter Cake that tastes just like what we had in Amsterdam!! Sift flour and sugar in a bowl. Cut the butter into small pieces and knead lightly with a cool hand or utensil until it holds together. Dutch butter cake is a straightforward cake, mainly featuring as the name suggests, butter. It can be left plain, or flavored with vanilla extract, almond extract, lemon or orange zest.
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