Bika Ambon. Combine lukewarm water, flour and instant yeast in a small bowl and leave aside to froth. Mix both flours, sugar, coconut water, egg yolks, essence and salt in a mixing bowl. Add fermented yeast mixture and the cooled coconut milk to mix. Bika ambon or golden bika in Singapores is an Indonesian dessert, made from ingredients such as tapioca flour, eggs, sugar, yeast and coconut milk. Bika ambon is generally sold in pandan and banana flavor, but today it is also available in other flavors like durian, cheese and chocolate. This cake is a further development of kue bingka, a famous traditional cake in the eastern parts of Indonesia. A bika ambon is also called bingka. Bingka is a cassava cake from Malaysia. It sounds like this cake comes from Ambon, but it is best known and famous in Medan, Sumatra. According to the Indonesian wiki this cake is named this way because it was made on the Jalan Ambon in Medan. Bika ambon is a natural cake. So that it is not harmful to the body. Bika ambon is usually made from ingredients such as flour mixed with sugar, eggs, and coconut milk.
This cake is a further development of kue bingka, a famous traditional cake in the eastern parts of Indonesia. A bika ambon is also called bingka. Bingka is a cassava cake from Malaysia. Pada artikel kali ini saya mau {menulis|berbagi| tentang Bika Ambon , cara bikinnya gampang banget karena cuma butuh 18 bahan dan 7 langkah saja.
Bahan untuk Bika Ambon
- - Bahan A (santan).
- 200 ml - santan (65 ml santan kara+135 ml air).
- 2 lembar - daun pandan.
- 1 batang - sereh (geprek).
- 4 lembar - daun jeruk.
- 1/2 sdt - garam.
- - Bahan B (biang).
- 50 ml - air hangat kuku.
- 1 sdt - gula pasir.
- 1 sdt - ragi instan.
- - Bahan C (tepung).
- 100 gram - tepung tapioka/ tepung kanji.
- 50 gram - tepung terigu protein sedang (segitiga).
- 100 gram - gula pasir.
- 1/2 sdt - kunyit bubuk.
- - Bahan D.
- 2 butir - telur (kocok lepas).
- 1 sdm - margarin (dilelehkan).
It sounds like this cake comes from Ambon, but it is best known and famous in Medan, Sumatra. According to the Indonesian wiki this cake is named this way because it was made on the Jalan Ambon in Medan. Bika ambon is a natural cake. So that it is not harmful to the body.
Bika Ambon
- Siapkan bahan. Campur semua bahan A. Kemudin masak sampai mendidih, angkat dan saring..
- Campurkan bahan B, aduk" dan diamkan kurleb 10 menit sampai berbusa, untuk memastikan raginya aktif..
- Di wadah lain campurkan bahan C (tepung) tuang dengan bahan A (santan) dan aduk"pakai wisk kemudian tuang lagi dengan bahan B (biang) aduk" sampai rata..
- Di wadah lain kocok telur sampai lepas, lalu tuang ke adonan tadi bersamaan dengan margarin yang sudah di lelehkan. Aduk lagi sampai nampak halus dan licin. Kemudian tutup pakai serbet dan diamkan selama 1 jam..
- Panaskan teflon dengan api besar, kalo sudah panas kecilkan api yang bner"paling kecil (api lilin) kurleb 1 menit biar panasnya rata dan tidak gosong. Olesi teflon dengan margarin tipis". Kemudian masukan adonan ke dalam teflon biarkan adonan berlubang lubang. Gak usah di tutup teflonnya ya bun..
- Jika bagian atas bika nya sudah mengering, teflonnya di tutup sebentar ya, kemudian buka tutupnya dan angkat kue dari teflon. Potong bika dengan menggunakan pisau yang di bungkus pakai plastik biar tidak lengket..
- Selamat mencoba 🙂.
Bika ambon is usually made from ingredients such as flour mixed with sugar, eggs, and coconut milk. To make it more fragrant, pandan leaves are usually added. Bika Ambon is a traditional dessert from Indonesia. Although the name contains the word "Ambon", the name of an island and its largest city, Bika Ambon is widely known as the specialty cake of Medan in North Sumatra and often brought as a gift by those whom visited the city. The origins of Bika Ambon are not known. Begitulah resep Bika Ambon serta juga bahan dan cara membuatnya. Semoga bermanfaat. Combine lukewarm water, flour and instant yeast in a small bowl and leave aside to froth. Mix both flours, sugar, coconut water, egg yolks, essence and salt in a mixing bowl. Add fermented yeast mixture and the cooled coconut milk to mix. Bika ambon or golden bika in Singapores is an Indonesian dessert, made from ingredients such as tapioca flour, eggs, sugar, yeast and coconut milk. Bika ambon is generally sold in pandan and banana flavor, but today it is also available in other flavors like durian, cheese and chocolate. This cake is a further development of kue bingka, a famous traditional cake in the eastern parts of Indonesia. A bika ambon is also called bingka. Bingka is a cassava cake from Malaysia. It sounds like this cake comes from Ambon, but it is best known and famous in Medan, Sumatra. According to the Indonesian wiki this cake is named this way because it was made on the Jalan Ambon in Medan. Bika ambon is a natural cake. So that it is not harmful to the body. Bika ambon is usually made from ingredients such as flour mixed with sugar, eggs, and coconut milk.
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